Saturday, July 7, 2012


that's it. remember that. P-R-A-Y. PRAY. P.R.A.Y. PPPRRRAAAYYY.

Monday, February 27, 2012


i have no where safe to say this.
no one to say it to.
there's no place to go.

so this is where i will let it out.
all i need to say: i have never felt lonelier.

and that is it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


i know that's what the first thought would be when reading this.
"OF COURSE this post is about thankfulness. typical."
but i mean, i don't think i can honestly say i show my gratitude half as much as i should.
i am grateful for my current, future and even past friends.
i am grateful for my family.
i am grateful for the life i live.
but most importantly i'm grateful for God.
i know for a fact that i wouldn't be here or have any of that without Him.

as i look back, it never ceases to amaze me how blessed i've been.
yes, i complain and yes, i always find something that i "won't get through."
but despite all of that, God still doesn't give up.
He's a feisty one, that's for sure.

i feel that this will turn into a rather lengthy blog.

i've already expressed my thankfulness for God.
He's the one constant in my life. i now know that.
that's all that needs to be said.

my family. words cannot show my full appreciation for these people.
they mean everything to me.
i know i don't show it sometimes, but i'd do anything for them.
i've definitely put them through enough to owe them that.
if there's anyone that can put up with me it's these people.
and God bless them for that.
i love my mom, dad, and sister to death.

another person is my closest and dearest friend, RJ.
to be honest, our relationship is strange.
we've only known each other for a little more than a year.
YES. ONE YEAR. it's still mind-blowing to me.
every so often we'll get into a discussion about how we became friends.
and all in all we've concluded that neither of us really knows.
yet, with that said, i can't say i've connected with someone so quickly.
this boy. he has dealt with me at my worst.
he has witnessed my ups, my downs, and everything in between.
sometimes i wonder why he's even still in my life,
but i sure am grateful for that.
i've never met such a caring, trustworthy, honest, loyal, and protective person.
and those are only a few amazing characteristics about him.
his God-centered attitude and endless motivation is encouraging.
it's like an unspoken drive he has that makes ME want to be a better person.
although we've known each other only for a short while,
i can now say i know what a true friend is.
and i swear on my life, i will not let this one go. EVER.

a few other people that i have crossed paths with recently are those at LSU.
it has not been an easy transition going to a new school.
in fact, contrary to what i tell people, it's been terrible.
i miss my old school, old friends, old environment, and old self.
even though i get tired of routine, i am also weary to change.
i know, puts me in a very difficult situation.
but thanks to a few old AND new friends that happen to go to LSU, i'm surviving.
actually, no, i'm more than surviving. i'm finally starting to enjoy it.
breane, andrew, carl, dejon, jason, brandon, ariel, and of course my sister.
this school year would not be even remotely as fun as it is without them.
God put these people in my life. i just know it.

MORE people would definitely have to be my only real friends from SGA, adriana and kelvin.
yes, we've put each other through hell and back a few times. seriously.
but in the end we can still spend time together carefree.
being with these two is comedy.
they inspire each other and inspire me.
high school sucked. but these two made it bearable.
we would ditch classes and constantly talked to the point of getting kicked out of class.
i had to deal with a lot in high school,
but had i not known these two, i think i would have given up.
i am so grateful that they will forever be in my life.
like i told kelvin today, they are stuck with me whether they like it or not.

then there are the PUC friends.
i left PUC, which i actually do not regret.
but i do miss these people more than anything there.
the three most significant ones are Sarah, Jewel, and Josh.
i ended my time at PUC on a low note.
like really, a round two of deperession.
thankfully, i was blessed with these amazing people.
each of them were capable of putting a smile on my face.
they checked up on me regularly.
i don't know what i would have done without them.
i love the fact that they had my back and i had theirs.
that's never going to change.
these three are the best and i am so lucky to call them friends.

trust me, there are SO many more people i am thankful for. SO MANY.
if i could list them all, i would.
these are the people who, not only am i grateful for,
but have left their mark in my life.
they are the ones who have impacted and influenced me.
as in, i would not be who i am today without them.
it's funny, i highly doubt most of them even know their importance to me.
one day, i hope i will be able to give back to them even a fraction of what they've given me.
but for now, i will just do my best to put myself aside for them and be their friend.
i know i am not perfect, but i think i owe that to them. i really do.

God, thank you for the people you've given me to love.

Monday, October 10, 2011

happy birthday, little sister.

consistency is just not a good way to define my life.
friends have come and go,
i've changed schools,
went back and forth maturity-wise.
but one thing that has always been consistent is my sister.
yes, we fight. (way more before than now.)
this, though, has only led to a stronger relationship between us.
i can not express how much i truly appreciate her constant love and care for me.
although i'm older, she takes care of me.
she puts me before herself and has never failed to make me laugh.
things have not been easy for me lately.
i recently transfered to a new school,
we have many family issues,
i'm having difficulties with many of my friends,
yet this girl is always there to make me laugh and smile.
i know i don't really show my appreciation, but she knows how grateful i am.
seriously, God could not have put a better sister in my life.
i'm blessed in so many ways, but she is definitely one of the best ways.

Friday, September 2, 2011

the right thing to say.

Today was a boring day turned busy.
I was supposed to either go to my bestfriend's house or he come to mine.
unfortunately, he got sick, so that plan changed.
i told him i'd bring him food and so i went to kogi and took it to his house.
after that, i went to adriana's house.
we hung out and talked a lot.
finally catching up because we haven't done that for awhile.
it was a good time and we definitely had our fair share of "girl time."
we also watched "friends with benefits" which i happen to love.
that movie is just so cute! i really like it.
after that we went to the mall and then this shaved ice place by her house.
we sat there for hours just talking and fantasizing about the future.
i finally decided i should be heading home,
so i dropped her off at her house then back home i went!
when i got home i was feeling a little.. i don't know.. down.
so of course my bestfriend just.. KNEW.
ughhhh.. he always knows.
but i explained to him what was going through my head.
and then again he didn't say "awww don't worry, it's okay."
instead, he basically said "come on, pull yourself together."
and he told me what he thought was best and did something i admire.
he gave me a bible verse that pertained to the situation.
it won't make sense if anyone reads this,
but it makes sense to me and this blog is for ME.
so elissa, remember the bible verse Genesis 3:6.
sometimes this guy surprises me. no. all the time..
and i truly appreciate it.
he really just knew the right things to say. such a blessing.

Monday, August 29, 2011


I look back at previous blog posts, tweets, facebook statuses, etc.
and although it's not all of them, MANY of them are nothing but complaints.
i try to consider myself a very positive person,
some may not agree, but i pray to God that most would.
with that said,
i've decided that i need to remind myself of the things i'm blessed with.
i could not have a better life and i sometimes take that for granted.
so rather than just your typical blog,
i've decided this one to be a prayer. a thank you prayer.

dear God,
i know i may not show appreciation for the small things in my life,
but i'm here right now to do so.
i want to list the ones that come to mind right here, right now,
but you know that is far from being all of them.

what i am thankful for:
-mercy and forgiveness
-my family (immediate and extended)
-the gift to see past people's flaws and mistakes
-the ability to let go of any unnecessary burdens
-my love for people
-my best friend in the whole world who's there to end my days perfectly
-my home and bed (i love my bed.)
-my "sister" who's gone through thick and thin with me since the 4th grade
-the hugs i get. they mean more to me than anyone could imagine
-the food i eat on a daily basis (sometimes more than i should)
-education and the environment i was raised in
-my homework (that i hate to do.)
-the skittles we had when i had a craving
-my pillowpet that my sister gave me
-the 6 pillows on my bed
-mac and phone
-all the pictures i've been able to take with the people i love
-my friends who are there to keep me on track
-music i've been lucky to hear
-the sushi and mochi ice cream i got to eat today
-all these movies i've seen
-the hopes and dreams i have
-nail polish i can paint my toe nails with (i dislike feet.. even mine)
-my ability to smile
-my faith in people
-the love i am constantly feeling all around me

i thought i'd be able to list most of the things i'm grateful for,
but i just can't. there is way too many things.
all i know is that You have blessed me.
so thank you so much.
i will forever be grateful.
love you so much, God.


so elissa, please remember this.
keep your head up, your faith strong, and your heart grateful.
because there's nothing like living in contentment.

Friday, August 26, 2011

i just thought of something.

i complain about others (to ONE person that tolerates my ranting) as if i'm the exception.
i'll constantly catch myself saying "well they are..." "well that's how girls.." "those people..."
who EVER said i am the exception?!
i am just as much of an irritation as any of them!
so if you ever hear me saying mean things about people,
just know that i am including myself in that.
because i am no different.
silly elissa, grow up!